I have a solution to this issue that provides the benefits that both sides are looking for without alienating one side too much. What you would call a great middle of the road fix for health care in America.
- The government would cover all essential medical costs (e.g. no elective surgeries) of an individual that exceed $10,000 in a given year (or resulting from a common ailment, i.e. breast cancer costs would be covered for the same individual for their lifetime once they reach $10,000 in initial costs).
- Government would either subsidize or pay for any and all preventitive health services that would be limited to one service per person per year. Examples of this would be a yearly physical or pre-natal care.
- Government would allow every American to have a Health Savings Account (HSA) slightly modified however to fit this plan.
- All contributions to the these modified HSAs would be tax deductible if the individual contributes or provide a 100% tax credit to the business if the individual's company contributes (distributions can be used for any immediate family member's health care costs)
What happens essentially is that individuals just have to cover the $10,000 cost themselves out of pocket or via an HSA or buy a health care policy that covers only the first $10,000. The cost of an insurance policy like that should be minimal because there is no big payout risks for the insurance companies which would make it very affordable for everyone to buy. And all health insurance companies providing this coverage would not be allowed to turn anyone away which again is not a big concern because they would be limited in their liability.
The benefits to this plan are across the board:
- No American would have to go bankrupt because of high health care costs
- Cost taxpayers less money than full Universal Health Care
- Promotes good health practices like preventative care
- Drives down and cotrolls inflation of health care costs
- Encourages contribution from businesses
- Nice retirement nestegg for those who stay healthy
- Affordable health care for everyone
- Less Government intervention
Please share this post and lets start a grassroots effort to reform our health care coverage in America.